Dayliset Rielo

An attorney who truly cares

Dayliset Rielo

Dayliset Rielo

Dayliset was born in Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. She migrated to the United States with her family in 1995 and began working hard to learn the American Culture...

Dayliset Rielo

Dayliset Rielo

Due to her hard work and dedication, Dayliset achieved high success throughout her young academic career. The University of South Florida awarded Dayliset several scholarship opportunities...

Dayliset Rielo

Dayliset Rielo

Dayliset entered law school at Florida A&M University, College of Law. where she held several internship positions practicing various types of law, including, criminal defense, immigration, loan modification, personal injury, contracts, wills, and construction law.

La doctora Dayliset Rielo nació en Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. Emigro a los Estados Unidos en 1995 conjuntamente con su familia inmediata, donde con su dedicación y esfuerzo pudo acoplarse a la cultura Estadounidense. Por lo mismo, alcanzo grandes éxitos atreves de su joven carrera académica.

La Universidad del Sur de la Florida la honoro con becas, las cuales aprovecho, y comenzó sus estudios universitarios enfocados en Criminología. Buscando el calor familiar, se traslado a Nova Southeastern University, donde se le otorgo una beca estudiantil (NSU’s Honor Award), y una beca deportiva (Equipo femenino de atletismo). Dayliset completo en tres años su especialización legal colegial, y permaneció un año más para obtener su maestría en administración de negocios.

Siendo siempre su sueño, ser una abogada, Dayliset ingreso en la escuela de leyes Florida A&M University, College of Law. Allí completo varios internados donde se entreno en diferentes áreas incluyendo, defensa criminal, inmigración, modificación de préstamos, accidentes, contratos, testamentos, leyes en construcción, entre otras.

Aun mas, Dayliset participo en múltiples organizaciones estudiantiles, tales como, La Asociación de estudiantes de leyes hispanos-americanos, La fraternidad legal Phi Alpha, Delta, La sociedad Cristiana Legal y La sociedad federalista (donde fue vice presidenta). Adicionalmente, Dayliset alcanzo los honores más altos en las asignaturas, Practica de Juicios y Entrevista & Negociación, y ocupo un escaño en la lista del Decano en el 2009.

En estos momentos la Dra. Dayliset se especializa en las áreas de defensa criminal, derechos civiles, fraude de Medicare & Medicaid, y reclamaciones de veterano. Su pasión por las leyes, amplia experiencia, origen cultural, y ética de trabajo, unido con su fuerza innata de convencimiento, la hacen altamente competente para brindarles excelente representación legal. Su compasión por el prójimo es tal, que usted se sentirá en buenas manos, desde el momento en que ella tome su caso.

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When people think about bullying many imagine something like this: one child yelling at another to give up their lunch money. But the reality of bullying is very different and unfortunately much more severe. Did you know that over 70% of students report that bullying is a problem at their school? And that about one out of ten middle school kids drop out of or change schools due to bullying?

Broadly speaking bullying can be defined as unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves some kind of power imbalance. Bullying isn’t limited to physical abuse – verbal, emotional, and cyberbullying are also common in many schools. Although bullying is commonly associated with kids and adolescents it also impacts adults.

Helping a child through a bullying situation can be complicated and often requires collaboration between parents, kids, teachers, and school counselors. If you are concerned that your child is being bullied it is especially important to ask your child how their day at school went. Because some children feel embarrassed about being bullied, asking about this topic directly may not help you find an answer.
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Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, was shot and killed on August. 9, 2014 by Darren Wilson, a white police. Several witnesses testified that Brown was runnin away from the officer when he was shot in the back. Following the shooting, protests spontaneously took place as people took to the streets to exercise their rights to peaceful protest, freedom of expression and association. Attorney Dayliset Rielo Provided this commentary to Mundo Fox Television on the incident.